A trip to the countryside...
...flowers and moss for my arrangements...

...I found a lot of these white-green anemones...
...they look so delicate and fresh...
...crocus and moss for the big metal bowl (anybody can tell me the right word in english???) bought at the antique market yesterday...
...a walk around the stalls...
...rusty tools...
...my finds for new projects...we'll have a new rainy week...something to creative to make in my free time!
A very nice week to you!
50 commenti:
What a great weekend...I'm wishing I could be at that market! I want that dress form, and almost everything else I can see in the pictures. Those flowers are beautiful, too.
I think the metal bowl is called a compote, but I'm sure some of your readers who deal in antiques would know for sure.
I'm glad you had such a nice weekend, and are feeling better. Have a great week!
Stella xx
Hi Vale,lovely sunday.I love the "big metal bowl" (english's not speciality) and the anemonas.Waiting for your new creations....
Have a nice week even if rainy.
Charming treasures at the market...I woud be happy with any of them.
Have a wonderful week,
xoxo~Kathy @ Sweet Up-North Mornings...
Stop over and enter my GIVEAWAY...I think you'd like it!
What a beautiful blog! I wish I was at that flea market. Lots of treasures
A lot of wonderful things. I would also like over there;)
Beautiful pictures again.
Nice week for you.
Hello Vale!
Oh I wish I was there with you at the market! I love the crocus and moss in the silver plate compote....so pretty! I love the finds you brought home for future projects and look forward to seeing what you do with them!
Have a great week!
Take care, Laura
Soo many lovely photos!
The flowers are so nice arranged, it makes me longing for spring. Nice to go to the market and see so many nice things.....
Have a lovely week
Hug Lena
Hello Vale...What a great weekend you had..
Won derful arrangemet of flowers and the marked... beautiful.. I love the rusty tools..
Have a wonderful week in rain..here it is lot of snow..
Hugs Kerstin
If you could see me you would see that I am as green with envy as the beautiful moss you have!!!! What amazing treasures you have all in one place!!! Mexico has not progressed to loving their old and vintage, well loved things. There are no flea markets here that have wonderful vintage treasures!! :(
Yes Stella is right the little dish is called a compote :) Have a wonderful week making a bit of art with the coming of spring.
Pattie ;)
Mazatlan Mx.
Great rusty tools! I like this style!
Hello Vale,
what a fantastic market...what i most like is the beautiful black doll...I want,I love manequis !!
Have a lovely week
Hi Vale!
That antique market is dream. It´s allways so fun to see something old and beautiful.
White-green anemones are so beautiful.
Have a fantastic week!
Warm greetings, Lennu
Hello Vale,
What a nice bit of spring you have created! I love your pictures.
I think (I almost know for sure), that these flowers aren't Anemones, but Helleborus. Dusn't matter, they are just lovely.
Enjoy your week!
Wonderful shopping you did and lovely floral arregements.
Hi Vale,
What a lovely post.
I do like so much all those nice small flowers which tell us that spring is very very closed...
Thanks to you and speak to you soon.
Have a nice week.
Lovely pictures Vale and so nice flowers!!
Here is lot of snow........but i think it's better than rain!!
Wish you a happy new week :o)
You really brought springtime in your home. Nice objects on the market. Have a nice week! @nne
Ces marchés doivent être un plaisir!
j'ai tellement envie de fleurs.
Bonne semaine Vale
Oh your new treasures are lovely! And your arrangements too!!! The antique market is dreamy!I like to go to antique markets :-)
Hello my dear Vale, these are beautiful spring flowers and photos!!
Amazing and perfect flea market!!!
Have a nice day and very nice week
Hugs Fleurette:)
Hello, what a beautifull blog you have. We call the white flowers: christmasroses, because its the only flower that grows here in wintertime!
Last summer we were in Italy and Lucca, what a lovely place.
I am going to follow you, come and take a look with me. Rainy greetings from Holland, Jolanda
Ciao Bella...
grande market!!!....One day you will go to an antique market and suddenly you will see a smiling old lady with a lot of quilts around her ..thats me!!! Non imbalsamato!!!!! On a sign you can read:" ...Una Signora di una certa età...sto cercando elle nonna Vale ...
Lasciati abbraciare
So lovely flower, an dthe pictures its so lovely!!!
Happy week to you!
many Hugs
Hi there. It´s so nice to see all the beatiful flowers. We have so much snow here and during the weekend it came so much that they sent out warnings during the radio and television - DO NOT TRAVEL UNLESS YOU REALLY NEED TO!
But, today it´s much better again.
So, your photos today are lovely to see, because I´m awaiting spring now.
I´m much better in my neck now and one days rest was the best medicin.
Wish you a lovely monday!
Hugs from Mia
Hi Vale!! I see you enjoyed your trip with good results! Your bowl with spring flowers is lovely, you inspirate me to make something like that by myself!
Wish you a happy week!
Warm hugs, Ingrid
Hi vale
What a beautiful flowers!
The white one are not anemone but hellebore.....what a lovely pictures!
have a good week greetz Ria
Hello Vale and thanks for your comments.. I`m fine but it`s a lot of paperwork when we moved back to Norway.. have been from one office to an other every day since we came home;(((( didn`t know it would be that difficult..
don`t know the word in english.. and it doesn`t matter :o)) it`s beautiful!!!! and I would love to have it!!!
I think the white flowers you show is what we call Christmas rose.. beautiful and expensive... :o))
Have a nice week.. hugs from me..
Che belle le tue foto sono un amore!!!
Adoro questi fiori!!
A presto
Hi Vale, you are realy making me feel envious... outdoor-activity, flowers... Here it´s frezing cold... 24,8 this morning... 45-50 cm snow this weekend... It´s like a never ending storie... Sorry about my complaning.. LOL Iwould love to making you company at that flee-market.. hugs from Jeanette
Hi Vale!
Wow, these flower´s photos are beautiful!!! And the flea market looks great! I´m looking forward to your projects of your finds!
Warm greetings,
Coucou Vale, tout est magnifique.
Moi, je n'ai pas le temps de chiner, ni de créer...j'ai trop de travail en ce moment...
Pour le temps, après la neige, nous avons la pluie... ça n'arrête pas...
Merci pour tes posts qui sont mes petits moments de bonheur...
et merci pour tes petits mots...
je t'embrasse.
hey Vale!
Your little garden is fabulous!!I like first flowers of the year!!
Oh so lovely treasures at the flee market!!
have a nice week!!
Oh I love your spring flowers and your new treasures.....
Nice evening
iiikkk.. så mye vakkert!! her vil jeg komme og handle...
lovely lovely...!!!
Buondì Vale,
avevo in programma di venire a Lucca x il mercatino invece il signor "virus & co" ;) ha fatto visita a mio marito ed ecco saltato il programma...
Incantevoli le tue composizioni floreali :)
Mila :)
Good morning Vale!
This morning here in Finland is very bitter cold -26, again. This weather bores me. Therefore I looove your beautiful spring photos.
Nice day to you.
Hello Vale,
nice pictures with flowers. And beautiful old things to buy!!!
greetings from andrella
Hello it's beautiful!
I discovered this wonderful blog with great pleasure. It contains a lot of wonders. Besides, I slip away the link in the favorites list of Carreco http://carreco.canalblog.com/
See you soon and good day. Co
I like your arrangment in this big metal bowl. Your post are always charming.
Big hugs.
I love your flower arrangements! they are so beautiful!!
- how is your tag-stamping project going?
Wish you a great mid-week!
Hilde Iren :)
Thank you for visting my blog and im glad you liked the flowers. Have a good day. Julian
just love this... my heart is racing just scanning your lovely pictures... have a wonderful weekend...xx
Vite, vite avant que mon ordi ne buggue !
Je ne peux plus venir chez toi, j'en suis profondément désolée ...
mon email : reverausud@gmail.com
HI Vale
Once again beautiful images. The green & white anemones have such a softness to them and look gorgeous cuddling up to that silver pedestal.
Thanks for popping over. Portofino is a dream! ciao ciao xx Julie
hello vale, yes i gave you the award too, you can do wathever you want, if you want to you can give 7 people also the award and tell something about you ok, hug myrna
Ciao Vale,
Thanks for your warm comment on my blog. Love the pictures of your flowers and the "bowl" (don't know another word for it) is a great find. Nice of you to take me with you on the market. I could spent hours there :o)
Untill next time! Love, Karin
Hi Vale,
great finds on the market, I'm looking forward to see your new projects.... The old manequin looks sooo lovely!
Big hugs and a great week
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